
26 miles of hiking • 4500' elevation gain •

Laggy and Draggy went for a day hike.


Roman and Chris heart this trip.

September 7, 2011

"Trail friends forever! ♥♥♥"

You two are starting to scare me.

Eric Peterson
September 8, 2011

I know those hearts were a nice warm touch...

September 8, 2011

All in ONE day? You are two hiking addicts. What will you do coming winter?

September 8, 2011

They'll go back to Kings/Wilson River, of course.

Or the 400. ;)

Eric Peterson
September 9, 2011

Snow shoe in the Gorge for me and probably the Kings area too. Just won't be able to do mega loop hikes like these with snow shoes on but will still get a decent work out since snow shoes add a lot of work out as you guys know! :D

Eric Peterson
September 9, 2011


Eric Peterson
December 8, 2011

"All in ONE day? You are two hiking addicts. What will you do coming winter?"

Same thing but with DN and in reverse. December 10th!! Ok, almost winter...

Eric Peterson
December 8, 2011

You in Roman? CH, Thum, Mayhem, Don Nelsen and EP so far!!