18 miles of hiking • 5000' elevation gain •
Multnomah Falls to Multnomah Creek Way, then jumped off trail at the pond due north of Sherrard Point. Climbed the NE ridge, which was sketchy and covered in a thin layer of snow, and possibly loose rocks were glued together with ice. Lovely weather up top. Then down the normal trail with a detour over to Wahkeena and then back up to the top of the falls via a secret bonus hike. Got back to the car in the dark.
Looks like your "bonus" was west to east.
I've only done a mini "bonus" from the east to the last pic, or viewpoint of M falls. it was summer and super overgrown. This seems a better time to try it.
Is it pretty straight forward from Wahkeena? I am going to try the whole thing one of these days.
Unless I can get you or Karl or EP to take me along.
Nice work.
January 5, 2014
Nice bonus!