
7 miles of hiking • 2500' elevation gain •

Went up from Wahkeena to Devils Rest via Primrose Trail took the usual way back.


Kyle Meyer hearts this trip.

acorn woodpecker
January 2, 2015

Great zoom shot of Archer Falls and its amphitheater as well as the lenticular over Adams. I'll bet it was nice the wind finally died down!

January 3, 2015

Hey Ben, I've never been to Archer Mtn and would not have noticed the waterfall were it not for the ice - I had to go look it up when I got home. That shot of Adams (and photo #4) came from a rock outcrop to the west of and slightly higher than Lemmons Viewpoint off Wahkeena Trail.

acorn woodpecker
January 4, 2015

I need to revisit that Lemmons Viewpoint as it's been a while. Haven't been up the Primrose in a few years and I think it's time this winter. You should try to explore the Archer area some time. It's a real treasure!