15 miles of hiking • 1750' elevation gain • 1 night
14 lakes/tarns in 15 miles (and that with some backtracking!). Was planning to camp at Chenamus but mosquitoes were bad so I just went back to Placid Lake, next morning the water was so good it was hard to start a hike! TONS of berries at Chenamus, very nice but shallow lake, probably not swimmable (pic #2-4, 7). Made the loop as described (@ the link) by Portlandhikers' member Bobcat, via abandoned trail along Rush Creek, added a few more lakes cross-country. Coffee-colored lake on photos is Rush Creek "Lake", I never seen water color like this. The last pic is Bear Lake.
No - surprisingly so. It was 9 or 10 other cars @ trailhead when I arrived so I expected most everyone to be at Placid Lake (since it's only 20 minutes in and zero EG), but only 1 group camped there, and I met one other group next day on the trail. Not sure how far everyone else went - all campsites I saw were vacant.
August 21, 2014
Was IH very busy?