
9 miles of hiking • 2250' elevation gain •

It has long been thought that Medieval labyrinths were used as ritualistic pathways; a place to accomplish prayers and devotions. The Labyrinth area at Coyote Wall offers an oddly similar opportunity.

Frankly, I've always put off going out to this location because it looked, well, boring. But now that I've visited, I can see the appeal. While somewhat occupied by mountain bikes on the Coyote Wall side, the Labyrinth area is a unique and interesting hillside that stands apart from most of the hiking in this area. For whatever reason, walking the maze of pathways to the top is a relaxing and contemplative experience.

If you haven't been already, I'd definitely take a trip when the spring flowers pick up, preferably on a sunnier weekday. Though going now wouldn't hurt—the grass widows are already out. I ended up doing what the field guide calls the Coyote Wall Loop, with the Labyrinth section thrown in. This is a nice little hike.