2017 Trips
Stahlman Point
4.5 miles of hiking • 1250' elevation gain •
First beautiful day in weeks. Had to get out for quick hike.
April 29, 2017

Shellburg Falls
8 miles of hiking • 1250' elevation gain •
Short hike with friends. Much busier than the last time I did this hike.
March 12, 2017

Silver Creek Falls Day Hike
6.5 miles of hiking • 1000' elevation gain •
Day hike with group of friends. Beautiful day!
February 25, 2017

Henline Mtn
5 miles of hiking • 1750' elevation gain •
short training hike with local outdoor club. Kicked my butt!
January 29, 2017

Maxwell Butte Snowshoe
8 miles of hiking • 1000' elevation gain •
Snowshoe trip lunch at shelter with local outdoor club
January 15, 2017