5.5 miles of hiking • 3750' elevation gain •
!st visit to the Wallowas. Too much snow above 7500' and ticks were out in force. Most trails are graded for horses with long, long switchbacks and tread covered in a layer of horse poop (aren't horse people supposed to clean this stuff up?). I'm going to purchase the Barstad Eagle Cap Wilderness book and do hikes that avoid this unpleasantness. Magnificent mountains - I should've been out there years ago. This hike is from the second day - Dug Peak. I'd planned to do Falls Creek Trail until I reached snow then turn back but I ran across a sign on the way up that pointed to a small peak referred to as Dug Peak. Turned out to be just what I was looking for - a ridge romp got me to a snow free peak at 8400' with terrific looks at a small portion of this wilderness - Chief Joseph, Sacajawea, Matterhorn, and the town of Joseph some 4000' below, etc..
I'll be back...