
7 miles of hiking • 5500' elevation gain •

Only a very good reason is going to get me out of bed by 4:00 AM. Promise of a sunny, 53 degree day on MSH fits that bill. Kyle, Jon, Kevin and I set out from the trailhead just after 7. My Salomon Comet 3D GTXs, Kahtoola Microspikes and Outdoor Research gaiters were more than adequate to keep me stable and dry the whole way up. It was really warm, and by the time we had reached the summit, the snow was getting very wet. Next time, I think we'll pick up our passes the night before, and head out earlier (unless MSHI does the smart thing and begins allowing you to print your passes at home). After a break to relax and eat tuna on top, I donned my waterproof pants, queued an Iron and Wine playlist and headed down. The warm, wet snow really slowed down the glissade. So, we looked to some of the less traveled, steeper bowls for a little more adventure. Apparently, this made some other group on the mountain uncomfortable. We felt the risks were minimal, and if you've seen the video Kyle produced, you'll know that the fun was maximal! Overall, the day was a complete blast! Despite going the longer, steeper route this year, I felt much better by the end of the day vs last year's summit-ing. And, the Ninkasi Total Domination was the perfect treat to have waiting back at the car.