9.4 miles of hiking • 1750' elevation gain •
This was our last hike to try and meetup with PCT through hikers and handout Oreo Cookies. Indian Heaven Wilderness is always an excellent choice for hiking the PCT so we started at the Crest Camp access area. We saw quite a few day hikers and backpackers on the way out, but no PCT through hikers. Fortunately, we hit pay dirt on the way back, after we turned around, and met 10 through hikers! We had a great time talking with the diverse group of people we met and also gave out everything we carried on the trail! This is probably the last time we'll provide trail magic as most of the through hikers need to get to Canada by Oct. 1 in order to beat the bad weather in the North Cascades. As a result, most (there's always a few hikers trickling through on the late side) of the remaining PCT hikers will be beyond Indian Heaven in the next week.
Nice cool temperatures and plenty of views as we ascended Berry Mt.! Unfortunately, we had to turn around as it was getting late and we were concerned about taking too much time to get back to the car if we met the through hikers. The drive home from Indian Heaven is also quite long.