
4.1 miles of hiking • 1250' elevation gain •

This was a very strange hike. There were no parking spots on Pine Mont road, so we drove around and found a parking area further on south.

What happened next was the most bizarre experience my wife and I have ever had while hiking! A man and his dog approached our car, and started talking. I can't say exactly what he said, as it was not appropriate, but the anger wasn't aimed at us, but instead at the people who stole his propane tanks and all his food! I can only describe this man as friendly, animated and filled with many stories that were came off far fetched? He proceeded to tell us he owned the 180 acres in this area, and purchased this land with the proceeds of a large California condo sale. He claimed to be the drummer for the Partridge Family, and had a degree from UCLA. He had some very strong opinions, that would be very offensive to many people, but we didn't challenge them, and he never indicated being hostile! My wife and I were a bit frightened, and weren't sure what to do and didn't want to challenge his statements. I must say that he never threatened, or asked for anything during our 45 minute talk! He showed us his housing area (looked like an abandoned RV) that had been re-decorated. He gave us a tour of his private land and showed us the old surveyor ridge trail, and some view points. At the end of our tour and discussion, he said he would watch our car to make sure it wasn't burglarized because there is much crime in the area! I ended up terminating this hike very early to avoid coming back to my vehicle being broken into, but everything was fine when we returned! However, he was there to greet us when we returned! He was very kind, and never once indicated that he wanted more than to talk! He invited us back to his land in the winter, to show us some spectacular views, and in the spring, to see the flower show. When we first met, he said he had no decent meals since mid-September, but never asked for food or money. His dog looked healthy, if not a bit overweight, and well fed! We gave him a handful of granola bars and chocolate, for which he thanked us profusely. We could tell he was lonely and anxious to talk, but we left to go to another hiking area. A completely and totally bizarre experience, and we hope this poor soul can get some help, though he seemed very happy/content where he was!