
20.5 miles of hiking • 5750' elevation gain •

Interesting loop, which I think I did in the right direction this time. Started at US35, and climbed from there up to Lookout Mountain via the Gumjuwac Saddle. The views were great, stretching from Rainier to the Sisters, though not the best I've seen from there. Lenticular clouds were forming leeward of Jefferson, so I knew something was up. Headed south towards Flag Point, visiting Oval Lake and the Pinacles along the way. Western larch were only just beginning to turn color. Give 'em another week or two for peak. The lookout on Flag Point was shuttered up for the season. Took a new route down into the heart of The Badger, following the cutoff trail down to Badger Creek, then climbing back up the saddle again before returning down to the highway. Pretty good day, all in all!