
18.67 miles of hiking • 6000' elevation gain • 2 nights

Camped at Deer Lake first night and Solduc Park the 2nd. Tagged Bogachiel Peak during the trip. Thought there would be more bear activity but only saw one bear during the trip.


Sarah Johnson, Woodswalker, and nuizontann heart this trip.

Sarah Johnson
September 13, 2019

I love that loop. Once saw around 5/6 bears in one day there in the basin.

Father Guido Sarducci
September 17, 2019

I think next year I'm going to do this hike but camp at Hoh Lake and then exit via the Hoh Rain Forest trail. Maybe hike up to the Mt. Olympus Blue Glacier again. Just need to figure out a way to get back to the Solduc TH.